Translate German to English online

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More about the language pairs


The German language is part of the Indo-European family classification. 120 million people speak German, 1.5584% of the world’s population. The countries where German is spoken include Austria – Italy – Belgium – Luxembourg – Germany- Switzerland.


English is part of the Indo-European family classification. The language is spoken by 379 million people worldwide (4.9221% of the world population). Countries where English is spoken ( Canada – Ireland – Malaysia – Singapore – United Kingdom – Cyprus – Luxembourg – New Zealand – Sweden – United Kingdom – Australia – Hong Kong-China – Macao-China – Qatar – United Arab Emirates – United States).

About our German English translator

With our automatic machine translation tool, you can make online translations from German into English. We use artificial intelligence to generate a near-human translation, thus a superior quality.

For all your texts, messages or documents with our website, you get the best English version for free. The purpose of our tool is to help you understand the meaning of the German text. You can use it to translate your personal messages, product descriptions or to translate a web page. Avoid using it for medical, legal or other official texts.