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About the language pairs


The Japanese language is part of the Japonic family classification. 128 million people speak Japanese, 1.6623% of the world’s population. The countries where Japanese is spoken include Japan.


English is part of the Indo-European family classification. The language is spoken by 379 million people worldwide (4.9221% of the world population). Countries where English is spoken ( Canada – Ireland – Malaysia – Singapore – United Kingdom – Cyprus – Luxembourg – New Zealand – Sweden – United Kingdom – Australia – Hong Kong-China – Macao-China – Qatar – United Arab Emirates – United States).

Our Japanese to English translator

Translating your texts from Japanese to English is easy with Utranslated. You won’t have to translate with a website that does it word by word! Thanks to technological innovation and artificial intelligence, you will get a perfect result in English just by copying the Japanese text.

The Japanese language is complex and requires knowledge and years of study to master. With our machine translation tool, you won’t need to be a linguist or an expert. You won’t need to hire a human translator to understand a message or a personal text. However, for professional documents, the result must be proofread by a native translator to correct any errors in meaning.